Saturday, 21 May 2011

Two Days With ICEAGE

These are a few photos from a couple of days spent with the best band in Denmark, and contender for band of the year, IceAge. I had no camera with me and had to borrow one from my friend's room mate. Oh well, at least they document two fucking amazing days in Leeds.

Thanks to Sam, Harry, Elias, Johan, Jochim, Jakob and Dan

Thursday, 19 May 2011


My first solo photozine - LOVE BITTEN, FUCK RIDDEN - MILK, HONEY, SPIT & SAWDUST is available for order. it's completely free, I'll even post it to you. The first batch of 100 has already been earmarked but get in touch for YOUR copy of the next hundred.

This project groups together all the prime candidates from almost a year of taking photos. Shot mostly on film, with the odd digital frame thrown into the mix, LOVE BITTEN chronicles desperate times, intimate scenarios, drugs, sex, the lowest moments following the loftiest peaks, personality fault lines, disinterest, but most importantly, love and friendship.

Drop me a comment here, email me at or message me on facebook - to get a copy.

Here are a few previews;